Tea for Two, She is 2!

Our little angel turned two and we celebrated over the weekend with a tea party fit for a princess. Homemade scones, cakes, tea sandwiches and more… along with laughter and joy, were had by all.


She actually smashed it! Huge.

Even without saying a word our little babe was telling us how thankful she was to be surrounded by so many that love her. Her eyes and her sweet, sweet smile said all we needed to know.

This ride is a bittersweet one…one that teaches us so many lessons on a daily basis. One that shows us that it’s the little moments, the ones often not seen by many, that matter the most. Just on Monday, we witnessed a little miracle while in the doctor’s office. She actually, and intently, waved to my Mom when we asked her to do so. My eyes immediately swelling with water over the true shock and amazement over what we just witnessed. It was beautiful. Simple. It was hard for her and she did it. She understood what we asked…and She. Did. It.

While most two-year-olds are running around and telling us funny little things, Alexandra can’t. Since she is our first and our only, it is the only world we know. We wake up each day knowing that we must be her hands and legs. To carry her to wherever she needs to go, to help her hold whatever she is wanting.

So, as the days pass now after her beautiful birthday celebration, I am reminded of just how beautiful this life can be. She is our everything, our source of joy and our source of heartache. But the pain and the frustration force us to work hard to give her the best life possible. For one day, I really do believe, she will be able to walk over to a present, open it herself and say ‘thank you.’

We had a wish with her birthday candle. It just may come true.

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